Tuesday, November 15, 2005

self portrait in false bamboo...

I wanted to publish my midterm project so that I could see it and practice looking at it out of context. The theme for the project was, in short, making the private public. I'm not sure how much success I've had. Very private, but does the public get it? It is very emotional. I feel that it touches on some sort of domestic violence vein. I can hardly wait for some feedback. I showed it to my husband, I think that I offended him. (Point needs to be made that I am not an abused woman. My husband loves me very much.) Hard to explain where it came from. There is something... I think that it has to do with all of the things in life I have been trying to take on and how my house is awreck and some days I struggle to get out of bed... Full time Mother (in a wanna-be patriarchical home), Full-time Student and Waitress (payin most of the bills)... It is kicking my ass. My Japanese father-in-law brags about women in Japan doing all this like as though as simple as breathing... career, house, husband, children and then some. I wonder what it is I am missing? A gene somewhere.

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