Thursday, January 12, 2006


i love portraiture.
i remember in our final crit i was saying how in future work i wanted to include my children and that there was some fear that it could be kind of cliche. well, i'm not quite sally mann, but i do love and totally admire her work. i don't think that these pictures are in any danger of being in any children's or parenting magazine's though. i thought i'd post a couple of my favorite child always welcome.
i have actually been planning a photoshoot with my kids in an old mill on the biddeford saco line. really industrial setting and i am really excited about it. i'll post those pictures if they are any good.

1 comment:

Andrew Davis Photography said...

Woah...these are kinda dark. Really very interesting use of the paint, which I assocciate with the tribal photos you see in National Geographic of the little kids that are fighting in civil wars. It's an interesting contrast to the face of this well-fed, cared for, and happy child.

I would definitely continue this idea if I was you. I don't think these are in danger of falling into a cliche, since they bring up so many interesting thoughts and questions, and possibly some social commentary as well, although I don't know if that's what you were going for...