it is such a blessing to have in which i am required to use my creativity even! i love it.
i am full throttle into the design work for
Kate Chappell's cookbook and i am so excited about it. the theme is all worked out in my head and now i am just waiting on more artwork and recipes and stories to piece together for this amazing work of art. what a gift to pass down to her children. stories, artwork, recipes and the history of their family from the kitchen's perspective. i LOVE it. it is inspiring me to want to do the same some day.
i also am doing a sculptural commissioned piece...a mirror with kind of primitive relief work in wood pieced on and painted. i am on the hunt for the last piece of wood i need. it's odd that it is so hard to find...a 1/2" x 8" x24' piece of basswood. but again, i'm so thrilled to be doing the work.
some advertisement work is also on my plate...a new local doll furniture company has hired me to do some advertising design cards, promo flyers, a craft show poster and a stamp design. it's been whimsical and fun.
also i have several prints that i am mounting for customers...and i just ordered a shipment of new jewelry making supplies and i have a head full of designs that i cannot wait to birth.
work. it is good. bring it on.