Monday, August 31, 2009

my new fancy


little resin drops that i spear and string on wire and use for beads. they resemble honey hued raw diamonds.

paired with brass and ivory bone.

i just love them.


adriene crimson said...

I LOVE it that you use frankincense. My mom used to help me light a charcoal briquette, put it on a little bowl of rice (or something else - maybe a brass briquette holder), and when it got grey, I would sprinkle frankincense powder that I got by grinding up these very nuggets in a mortar and pestle.
I'd walk around the house with great billlows of smoke blowing over my face/head while sprinkling more and more of the powder on the coal.
It was one of my favorite things to do - I'd ask my mom if I could do it often. I think this was when I was about Jett's age (he's 9, right?).
I have such a soft spot for these frankincense beads - I'm going to come up with something really cool to trade you!

pamela said...

frankincense is awesome. it is beautiful and it seems to have a palpable aura. i would love to trade with you. bring it on, addy. :)